Under Pressure: The Scary Side of the Birth Business

Have you ever gone to the doctor and felt like you weren’t being heard? I have! It can be SO INTIMIDATING to even ask questions in that situation- when you’re talking to a highly educated person who you expect to know so much more than you do about your body and possible options… I can only imagine how hard it can be to stand up for yourself (and your baby and body), when an M.D. is telling you what they think is the best way to give birth.

Even outside of the doctor’s office, I have felt judged and condescended to by family and friends when expressing my desire to do something outside of “the norm” or widely accepted “right way” of doing things. Honestly, this happens on fewer and farther between occasions- as I have become more secure in myself AND discerning about the people I expose myself and my opinions to. But it happens.

Anyways, I’m mostly writing to encourage anyone that reads this to watch The Business of Being Born. I recently watched it, and another documentary called Orgasmic Birth, and I feel so inspired, and sad, and grateful that more of us are being exposed to the options birthing people have- as well as the underlying flaws in the birth system/industry right now. I won’t say too much more than that because I am not a doctor… or a parent… or a movie reviewer, haha! But I am a human. One that is very passionate about the power of listening to our bodies and intuition. I believe that everyone should have the kind of birth experience that is right for them and I hate to think that so many people are pressured or scared out of an experience that can be sooooo empowering and transformative, simply to serve someone else’s drive for convenience. I have read and heard so many stories of traumatic births and am beginning to understand that many of them could have been avoided if they and their bodies were allowed to take their time and do what they wanted to do in the first place.

With that, I’ll get off my soap box. Please, if you haven’t, and if you feel called- watch it. It’s worth the time :)

Lots of LOVE and hugs to everyone,
